Snowflake : Zero to Hero in 6 mins

Soumak Das
6 min readSep 12, 2023

What Sets Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse Apart?
Snowflake is a cloud-native data warehousing solution that harnesses the advantages of cloud computing while introducing several innovative features:

Automatic Scaling: Snowflake can dynamically scale its resources to accommodate changing workloads without manual intervention.
Zero-Copy Cloning: Snowflake enables the creation of clones of data or objects without consuming additional storage space, making data management more efficient.

Virtual Storage: Snowflake abstracts storage, allowing data to be logically organized while physically residing in cloud storage systems like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage.
Time Travel: Snowflake provides the ability to access historical data snapshots, facilitating data analysis at specific points in time.
Robust Security: Snowflake incorporates military-grade security measures, including encryption, to safeguard data.

Columnar Storage: Snowflake’s columnar storage enhances performance for analytical queries by optimizing data retrieval at the column level.
Intelligent Services: Snowflake offers features like Intelligent Services, data sharing, tasks, and streams to enhance data management and analytics capabilities.

Transparent Pricing: Snowflake maintains a straightforward and transparent pricing model, ensuring accessibility for businesses of…



Soumak Das

Sr. Data Engineer @EY & Snowflake/Airflow/Databricks/AWS writer